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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Punisher thoughts & ideas, along with Punishernator, a Terminator-Punisher crossover, & a Truancy crossover

For a few months now, I have been getting into the grim humorless crime destroyer, Frank Castle, better known as the Punisher, and I LOVE the character.

The reason why I like him so much because of his politically incorrect, no-nonsense, striaght-up personality, and concintration on killing criminals.

Spin-off scenarios:

. Punisher takes out corrupt government officals and the people bribing them in New Israel. This starts out after the Mayor of Amarillio, New Israel, appoints him as the Police Cheif, in hopes that Frank would be able to take out organized crime. 
Frank starts with an investigation of his 18-year old adopted son, Tack (in this alternate timeline, Frank's wife dies), who suddenly turns violent at school & is locked in solitary confinement in prison. Frank is shocked, considering how Tack was an extremly intellegent & kind back when Tack was in the Ron Paul curriculum before dropping out to go to a government school when Frank movies to Amarillio. 
Frank links Tack's violent behavior to the SSRI (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) antidepressant, a type of medication which has been known to make people violent. Through this, he uncovers a conspiracy linking together the Government Schooling System with Big Pharma, the Prison-Industrial Complex, thethe Mainstream Media, & by extension, the Military-Industrial Complex & Factory Farms.

. Punisher teams up with Foreskin Man, except Punisher wants to end circumcision by killing circumcisers.


. Perhaps the reason why I like the Punisher so much is that I see him doing what is right, even though most of society does not support him, and even outright oppose him. He is not only doing the right thing, but he is doing what he wants to do. I resonate with that because I RESENT and HATE society and how much humanity screws itself over, harming itself or letting others or a few of its members harm it but the majority let it happen, because the majority is too immoral, too lazy, too incompetent, too ignorant, and perhaps above all, too weak to deal with problems. 

Albert Einstein said it right when he said "The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."

On a serious note:
The Punisher is not someone that I want people to seriously emulate in real-life, especially when it comes to crimes that are not serious crimes, . Though on occasion, when the authorities are either unwilling, unable, or most often, too corrupt to fight crime, vigilantism may be necessary. Vigilanties can easily go bad and take the wrong course of action and become about as bad as the people they have taken out. So, in real-life, vigiantism should only be used as an absolute last resort to combating severe violent crime.

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