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Monday, July 30, 2018

New Israel State Schools curriculum (less realistic edition)

From the first day of school, students are required to basically listen to & repeat statements about why big government & its authoritarian nanny police state & imperialist policies are good. 

When the curriculum is boiled down to the bare basics, the abstract ideas are:

1. The Government is good & benevolent that knows & wishes for what is the best for everyone & everything, whereas the individual does not & is nothing. Thus, the Government sacrificing the individual for the (claimed) benefit of the group is justified.

2. Always obey authority & never question it, especially Government authority, for reasons stated above.

3. How this is done is mostly explained in the video below. The information afterwords get into the specifics.

Specifics of what is taught are:

1. America (& later Israel, & both of their allies) can do nothing wrong in the world, & thus, why foreign military interventionism (a nice way of saying "imperialism") is good for the world. Otherwise, the next Hitler will take over & make things worse.

If there was something done by the United States Federal Government that was too questionable to wrong to depict as being good while at the same time is too well known to be ignored, such as Westward Expansion & the displacement & genocide of Native Americans, the attacks & terror bombings against civilians in Germany & Japan during World War Two, or wars that were started without Authorization from Congress (Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq) or attacking enemies that deviate from the New World Order (Libya, Syria), said acts are downplayed (the terrible experiences of people who were victims of U.S. government actions are never described in detail, & body counts are always set low, if mentioned at all), brushed off as honest mistakes, or are otherwise whitewashed.

When it comes to events or parts of events not well known to the general public that portrays the Government in a less than positive as pointed out by the alternate media, it is flat out ignored. 

2. It is bad for the civilian populace to be armed because they don't need weapons, & should delegate the responsibility of their safety to the Government's military & law enforcement.

Along with that, the 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution only covers organized & well regulated, government militias (such as the military), & does not provide any right to keep or bear arms.

3. Always pay all of your taxes, & donate more to the Government, because the Government knows & does best. And taxation is not theft, & is good for the people.

4. Freedom of speech is unimportant. Just let the government deal with the problems.

5. Right to trial & privacy & being free from warrantless surveillance & searches are unnecessary because, without warrantless searches & surveillance & sentencing without trial, criminals & terrorists will take over.

6. Any individual who lives within the State of New Israel is physically guaranteed no rights outside of those tangibly protected the by United States Federal Government, & under the New Israel State Constitution, guaranteed none at all.

What it comes to how they are taught since it wouldn't look too good to be directly promoting the worship of Orwellian Nineteen Eighty-Four level of totalitarianism combined with the State taking children from their parents & conditioning children like in Ayn Rand's Anthem combined with Warhammer 40,000 Imperium of Man style of foreign policy & worship (albeit replacing the God-Emperor with the State), the New Israel State Schools & lesson plans always intentionally show the very worst of its ideological opposition.
This is called "parading the strawman", though it also involves playing Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon & every logical fallacy in existence (some of the most common ones are poisoning the well, guilt by association, & ad hominem).

When it comes to foreign policy, people who show so much as skepticism toward what the United States Federal Government is doing are depicted as supporting the enemy or otherwise being terrible people. 

Examples are:

. People who say that the Federal Government did not invade the South in the Civil War to end slavery are caricatured as dumb, racist Confederates.

. People who think twice about the ethics of U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War or question the Federal Government bailing out huge corporations & billionaires are Communists who are also granola trash-diving self-righteous hippie teens with no clue about the world or anything that they're talking about, with both believers in Marxist & Communist related ideologies & actual leftist hippie teens are used to represent such groups.

. People who think twice about the ethics of U.S. foreign policy post 9/11 are terrorists, support the terrorists, or at best are overly emotional granola trash-diving self-righteous hippie teens with no clue about the world or anything that they're talking about. At first the first two groups were used, but eventually, after those strawmen virtually became dead horses, the last one was used.

. People who believe that anything less than six million Jews was killed in the Holocaust or does not fully believe in the human skin lampshades & the human soap story are literal Nazis on the intellectual level of outlandishly racist skinheads who blames every minute problem on race (especially Jewish people), /pol chan culture & DailyStormer Neo-Nazi/Alt-right types who want a Turner Diaries style of race war.

. People who do not support the Israeli Government's actions are at best granola trash-diving self-righteous hippie teens with no clue about the world or anything that they're talking about, but are more often Muslim terrorists or Nazis that want to gas Jews & use their skins for lampshades & the rest of their bodies to make ash for soap.

. People who do not support strict weapon laws are nutty right wing Alex Jones-esque conspiracy theorists &/or racists who want a race war to kill everyone who don't look like them.

. People who question government regulation, taxation, fiscal conservatism/libertarianism are heartless ancaps who don't care about the poor & have no problem with wage slavery or children being forced to work 

. People who fail to support & perfectly obey the government have an intellect essentially has the mind of Dale Gribble from King of the Hill, Alex Jones, or worse.

In all of this, teachers are NEVER allowed to deviate from the curriculum. They must teach whatever is ordered to be taught on the day, & must do everything by the book, literally word for word. Even the slightest insignificant detail, such as how the word the is pronounced, for example, must be pronounced exactly as the textbooks state that it should be pronounced, & if a situation in which the words such as because, since, as, or for are to be used, whatever is on the book's page is to be used. A better example would be, if a book says "do not disobey authority", the teacher & his students must say "do not disobey authority". They must never say "don't disobey authority".

Every time a teacher is caught deviating from the rules (which is nearly guaranteed when classrooms have CCTV cameras with microphones in them being monitored by school officers), they get a pay dock. Tenured teachers, however, do get more leeway.

In the second half of the 20th century, the Chinese Communist Party & Government, which wanted to turn hundreds of millions of people into mindless, docile, obedient robots, took inspiration when creating its own schooling system, much like when Hitler observed what the U.S.A.'s government was doing to the Native Americans in the later 19th century.

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